A subscription covers only a portion of the cost of a live performance. Other income is provided by individual donations, corporate sponsors, and grants. We need your help to meet the ever-increasing cost for concerts. With your support we can continue to offer the best live entertainment.
Your tax deductible donation will help support our mission of bringing world class entertainment to Hagerstown audiences for an affordable price.
Contributions not only support the operating expenses, but directly support young people through our Educational Outreach Program and Angel Tickets. These programs provide opportunities for children in Washington County to experience first hand the gift of artistic entertainment.
As a part of our thanks for your generosity, you will receive recognition in our concert series program book. If you would like to designate a particular organization or school to receive your Angel Tickets, please contact Karen Stamper at (240) 520-0174 or email hagerstowncca@gmail.com
HCCA is a 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Box Office/Will Call Ticket Sales
Individual concert tickets are available at the Maryland Theatre Box Office 21 S. Potomac Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Online Ticket Sales
Tickets are available online through the Maryland Theatre website.
Maryland Theatre website
Day of the Show Ticket Sales (Cash, Charge or Check Only)
Individual concert tickets are available the day of the show in the Maryland Theatre lobby at 21 S. Potomac Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740
All sales of are final. No refunds.
Lobby doors will open one (1) hour prior to showtime. Theatre seating is available forty-five (45) minutes prior to show time. Seating for Handicapped seating is available one (1) hour prior to showtime. Reciprocity Seating is available thirty (30) minutes prior to showtime.
HCCA employs general seating for all shows. There are no assigned seats.
The minimum age for attendance is four (4) years of age.